Part 59: August 23 Part 2 - August 26: VIII. Justice
-Signs of Love: Reincarnation-
> According to her, there's a huge pile of homework. The objective of Nanako's homework is to tighten the bond between family members by doing homework together...It's too much for Nanako to finish all by herself. Should you help Nanako with her homework for the next few nights?
What kind of asshole question is that!?

> Nanako is doing her best to practice her spelling. She seems to be doing well...But you decided to double-check her work anyway. After Nanako finished her spelling, you put her to bed and returned to your room.

> Seeing Nanako's homework last night got you thinking. You remember that you had homework as well...However, it would only take you a few days to do it. But, you promised Nanako that you would help her with her homework every night. Maybe you can do your homework during the daytime. You can start on your homework today...
Or you can skip that junk and just do like you've been doing. I mean, homework? In the summer? Totes BS, am I right? Sanzo can do his homework on the way to school like I always did.
-Like A Dream Come True-
> Tatsuhime Shrine...Yukiko seems embarrassed for some reason...

Middle-aged man: Oh, Yuki-chan!

Deputy mayor: The people at the inn seemed very busy. Is something going on?

Deputy mayor: On TV? That's great! You'll try and make Inaba look inviting, won't you?

> Yukiko looks apologetic...

Kasai: There you are, Yuki-chan!

Kasai: That TV crew came, but don't go to the inn! It was a trick! It's those people from that "news of the weird" show! And I think they're looking for you! So stay put, you got that?

Man's voice: There you are.
-Who's There?-

Shady reporter: We know all about that murder case. Mayumi Yamano stayed at your place, right? And you guys've been hurting what with the drop in visitors, huh? So I came up with a great idea! "The High-School Manager's Embarrassing Struggle: Renovating the Cursed Inn!" How's that grab you? The customers will be pouring in, I tell ya.

Shady reporter: I want you to be the star. When we introduce the hot springs, let us film a little bathing scene, eh? "The Modest Manager's Steamy Service!" Our ratings will be through the roof!
Young man: That sounds like a great idea!
Kasai: Listen, you...

Shady reporter: You're refusing? *sigh* Look, kid...You don't know the power of television, do you? Well, I can't blame you, living in the countryside. We're trying to help you out here. I mean, do you WANT the patrons to dry up? If you're gonna be the next manager, I'm trusting you to make the right decision here.

Shady reporter: Oh, really? Hmmm...That so? Well, you just say the word, and I can hook you up with a better gig than running this dump of an inn. You could call yourself the "Former High-School Innkeeper"...Heheheh, I'm already liking the sound of that! Why don't you hear me out?
Kasai: How dare you say that to Yuki-chan...!

Shady reporter: What the shit...? You say your inn has been going for generations, but all that means is, it's crappy and run-down. Tradition is so last year. You'd be better off if you did close up shop. I've seen the stuff you serve...Small portions, decent service, nothing that stands out. If you want customers, you can't just do the same old, same old. You guys don't get that, and that's why you suck. Your waitresses don't even give you any extra service unless you tip 'em, huh? Heyyyy...I know! Why don't you make all the waitresses young girls, and have 'em do all-day menus? Y'know, spread the futon out, then go straight in! But anyways, I was saying...Let's give your place a little TV-style publicity. Use your head, will ya?
Kasai: ......

Shady reporter: You...bitch! If that's how you wanna play it, I'll plaster those words all over prime time! See how that feels!

Young man: Th-This isn't sounding good, sir.
Shady reporter: ...Tch!

Kasai: ...Haha.
-Like A Dream Come True-

Kasai: Oh, I should contact the inn. I'll see you later!

> Yukiko is laughing with relief...

> It seems Yukiko is starting to face her true feelings...

> You stayed with Yukiko for a while and walked her to the inn.
-Signs of Love: Reincarnation-

Doorbell: *BING BONG*

> Yosuke and Teddie came by.

Helping out with Nanako's homework gives you a ton of points in Justice and eventually, points in all of the team's links as well. I mention this in case anyone actually needs some sort of payoff to help her. You monsters.

> Yosuke and Teddie helped Nanako finish her homework. After putting Nanako to bed and saying goodbye to Yosuke and Teddie, you went to your room.

> Summer break will be over soon. There's some homework left...What's there to do today?

Attendant: The customers all seem to have stopped talking about it, like all of a sudden. Is it all over now...? Be nice if it was.

Ain't no thang.

-Signs of Love: Reincarnation-

Doorbell: *BING BONG*

> Chie and Yukiko came by.

> Nanako begins writing her essay...Chie and Yukiko helped Nanako with her essay. After putting Nanako to bed and saying goodbye to Chie and Yukiko, you went to your room.

> You decided to tag along with Chie's training.
-Like A Dream Come True-
> Samegawa riverbank...You decided to train with Chie.

Takeshi: No...I took off right after that, right? So I thought I'd apologize...

Takeshi: Wh-What...? Were you this anal before? Tch, if you lose that sunny attitude, you won't have anything left.

Takeshi: Speaking of which...What's up with Yukiko-san? I saw her with you the other day. She seemed weirdly cheerful...She had this funky laugh, y'know...?

Takeshi: Oh, you've rubbed off on her, huh? I can't believe it. That's not Yukiko-san...She was better gloomy...

Takeshi: ...Huh? Oh, uh...Thanks...

Takeshi: Wh-What the hell?

> Chie is smiling happily.

> Chie was able to take a step forward and face herself.

Chie and Yosuke's Rank 8 skills both seem a little...late. Maybe they're more useful when the XP gain hasn't been ludicrously accelerated.

> You talked with Chie about various things while going home.
-Signs of Love: Reincarnation-

> Nanako puts a lot of effort into her book report.

> After Nanako finished her report, you put her to bed and returned to your room.